Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Resolving for a Better 2011

Get running
I'm out to post a 5k time in under 25 minutes by November 2011! Now that James is older (translation: sleeping better and eating solid food), I've decided to start running and practicing some yoga again. Just before Christmas, I hit the pavement for the first time in over a year(!) and that first run was, well, painful. My chest was burning after a block and didn't stop until I was comfortably in the house and stretching. Granted, it was really really cold, but I am also really really out of shape. Since then, I've been out a few more times and I've even run for over a mile without walking. And, it actually was semi-fun and mind-clearing. However, I strained some sacroiliac joint related muscle and now have to be content with gentle yoga practice and a heating pad. But, this too shall pass and I'll be back out on the roads soon.

Be more purposeful in my spiritual life
Pregnancy and postpartum are unique times physically, spiritually, and mentally for me. The state of my body and mind are constantly in flux and that presents a lot of challenges spiritually as well. I'm looking forward to having some time this year to have the time and energy to make a more consistent effort in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament and maybe even seeking out a spiritual director. That is something that I've had on my mind and heart for over a year. I think the most helpful thing is that James goes to bed early in the evening and stays down for longer periods of time now. I have been able to use that time to pray and read and reflect more than I did when I was pregnant and going to bed at 8pm or when we were still in the intensely busy newborn period of time.

Make an effort to connect
It's mid January and the Winter Blahs are in full swing. Every year, I have a more difficult time being relationally motivated during the dark, cold months of the year that make me feel like I'm hibernating...except I'm not really hibernating because I'm not sleeping and I'm inside with two needy, very-much-awake little people. I guess I don't feel like I'm hibernating at all...I feel like I'm on the path to stir craziness. One antidote I've found to the winter crazies is getting out and being with people at least twice a week. Sometimes that means skipping a nap, picking up a cold from little play mates, or extra effort that I think I may not have the energy for, but in the end, it helps me to be healthier and a better mom, wife and woman. More often than not, the rewards of reaching out to others and getting out of the house are greater than the draw backs.

Be more loving and gracious with my husband
I am ashamed to say that Kevin often took the brunt of hormonal rants while I was pregnant and shortly after James was born. I can pull it together for appointments, friends, and the kids, but breakdown usually seemed to be reserved for the husband. While breakdowns will occur and we all need that safe place, daily emotional dumps and snippy attitudes are not what he deserves or needs. Kevin deserves my best, just as much or more than the receptionist at the dentist.
This year, I really want to make an effort to give him more of my best than just the leftovers.

Finish what I start..in a timely fashion!
I am notorious for starting projects and books and setting goals and not finishing them for years. I started A Witness to Hope, the biography of Pope John Paul II 4+ years ago and I am still about 200 pages away from finishing it. Yes, it is over 1000 pages, but 4+ years is more than enought time to just get 'er done already. I also found a half-knitted scarf (which I promptly unraveled) in my crafty junk drawers that I think I started pre-Monica. Books, along with book reviews, knitting projects, photo albums and the like will not be just left half finished on the shelf, on the computer, or in my personal junk drawers in the closet!

Here they are. Resolutions for a better 2011 and in the end, a better me for the sake of those I love! Blessing to you all in the New Year!

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