Monday, October 6, 2008

Respect Life Sunday

Yesterday marked Respect Life Sunday in the Catholic Church throughout the United States. Every year since 1972, US Bishops have set aside the first Sunday in October for prayer and a renewed resolve to embrace a culture of life and end the killing of innocent human beings, regardless of age, size, health and dependency.

The right to life of children in the womb is close to my heart, and has become even more dear during pregnancy. Experiencing a child within me, a life that is separate and yet so intimately connected to mine, has been surreal and challenging, but altogether beautiful and humbling. God saw fit to entrust me with this life that is so vulnerable. Apart from my choice to protect this child, there is no protection for him or her under the law; the child in my womb does not have the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Father Frank Pavone, the director of Priests for Life stated recently, "...there’s only one group in our society whose right to life has been directly and formally denied, and that is the children in the womb...Deny their right to life, and you undermine the entire moral order." The right to life from conception to natural death is absolutely critical to all social issues from the war in Iraq, to immigration, to health care, to responsible environmentalism. The right to life is at the heart of all issues facing our society.

Please consider the right to life--in regards to abortion, euthanasia, and embryonic stem cell research--in the upcoming elections-presidential and local. Our right to life is the most important and precious gift we have. Please do all you can to protect it for all people in our society.

Voting with a Clear Conscience - Catholic Edition
Voting with a Clear Conscience - Interdenominational Edition

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